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Our Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.

Any concern you may have as to our practice should be raised with us in the first instance and thereafter, if unresolved, in writing to the College of Mediators.
Our practice is governed by the Family Mediators Council (FMC) / College of Mediators and we comply with their Code of Practice. Copies of this Code are available on request and can be found on the FMC / College of Mediator’s website.
Our complaint’s procedure is outlined below.

How to Complain?


Please raise the issue to the mediator, in order that they can deal with the problem straight away.


You can also raise a complaint after mediation. Simply call, write or email us, telling us about your experience. All complaints should be addressed to Dominic Geodjenian, telephone 07958 023 377, email, unless Dominic was your mediator. If Dominic was your mediator, please address all complaints to Joan Bishop, who will call you and seek to resolve the issue over the telephone.


We will acknowledge your complaint within 10 working days.


A full review will be undertaken and mediator concerned will explain their understanding of the situation.


A full response will be sent to you within 20 working days.


In the event that you are not satisfied and wish to take your complaint further to an external body then you are referred to the College of Mediators, Unit 1, Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF, who can be contacted on 0207 993 7506 or In the event of a written complaint, you agree to release of your file to any complaint’s handler.

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